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Nose surgery

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as nose surgery, is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance or alter the shape of the nose. People opt for this procedure aiming to improve a misshapen, humped, undersized or oversized nose, as well as for functional reasons, such as breathing problems associated with the nasal framework. Nose surgery might include esthetic improvements by removing or adding cartilage and/or bone and might involve implanting synthetic materials to alter the bridge or tip of the nose and the shape of the nostrils. 

Nose surgery can be performed by local or general anesthesia. The procedure is executed either through a closed or an open approach through which the supporting framework, nasal bridge, nostrils and the tip will be reshaped to give you a more symmetrical, proportionate and harmonic shape that suits your face.

After surgery, there will be some degree of discomfort in breathing through the nose, bruising around the eyes and swelling of the nasal tissue for a few days. A splint must be left on the nose for a couple of days. Dr. Said will give you detailed instructions on how to best handle your recovery. 

The risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty include soreness, swelling and bruising around the eyes, stiffness and numbness especially at the tip of the nose, scarring, red spots on the skin surface, infection, damage to the septum, nasal bleeding and the possibility of revision surgery.

The outcome of rhinoplasty is a more individually shaped nose that will be harmonious with your face and boost your self-confidence.